Picture This! is a teen comedy film that follows Mandy Gilbert (Ashley Tisdale), a high school student who feels like an outcast at her prestigious school. Mandy has a crush on the popular and charming Drew Patterson (Robbie Amell), but her strict father (Kevin Pollak) keeps her on a tight leash, limiting her social life and chances to impress Drew.

When Mandy is unexpectedly invited to Drew’s birthday party, she devises a plan to attend despite her father’s objections. With the help of her friends, she sneaks out and embarks on a series of comedic misadventures to reach the party while avoiding her father and the school’s queen bee, Lisa Cross (Cindy Busby), who is also vying for Drew’s attention.

Throughout the night, Mandy learns valuable lessons about friendship, confidence, and staying true to herself, ultimately finding a way to prove that she is more than the image others have of her.