50 First Dates is a romantic comedy that tells the story of Henry Roth (Adam Sandler), a marine veterinarian living in Hawaii, who enjoys a carefree lifestyle and avoids serious relationships. His outlook changes when he meets Lucy Whitmore (Drew Barrymore), a charming and quirky woman, at a local diner. The two instantly hit it off, and Henry believes he has found someone special.
However, Henry soon discovers that Lucy suffers from short-term memory loss due to a car accident, causing her to forget everything that happened the day before. Every morning, she wakes up with no recollection of meeting Henry or their blossoming romance. Determined to win her heart, Henry devises creative ways to make Lucy fall in love with him anew each day.
As Henry’s feelings for Lucy deepen, he enlists the help of her friends and family to ensure she has a fulfilling life despite her condition. Through humor, persistence, and genuine affection, Henry proves his love by making every day a fresh and unforgettable experience for Lucy. The film is a heartwarming tale of love and dedication, exploring the lengths one will go to for the person they cherish.