Barbie is a live-action fantasy comedy film that follows the adventures of Barbie, a doll living in the perfect, pink, and idyllic world of Barbieland. Barbie (Margot Robbie) enjoys an ideal life filled with fun, fashion, and friends until she begins experiencing strange occurrences, including an existential crisis that causes her to question her purpose and identity.
To solve these mysteries and find answers, Barbie ventures into the real world with her companion, Ken (Ryan Gosling), in tow. As they explore the complexities and challenges of the real world, Barbie discovers the value of imperfection and individuality. Along the way, she encounters an array of new characters, learning important life lessons about self-acceptance, empowerment, and the beauty of being unique.
Through humor, heart, and vivid visuals, Barbie offers a fresh take on the iconic doll, celebrating diversity and challenging stereotypes while delivering a message of empowerment and self-discovery.