The Beautician and the Beast is a romantic comedy that follows Joy Miller (Fran Drescher), a spirited beautician from New York City who unexpectedly finds herself in a foreign country. After a mishap involving a fire in her beauty school class, Joy is mistaken for a qualified science teacher and is offered a job to tutor the children of Boris Pochenko (Timothy Dalton), the stern and reclusive dictator of the fictional Eastern European country of Slovetzia.

Upon arriving in Slovetzia, Joy’s vivacious personality and unconventional teaching methods clash with the rigid and formal atmosphere of Pochenko’s household. However, as she brings warmth and humor into the lives of the dictator’s children and the palace staff, Joy begins to soften Pochenko’s authoritarian demeanor, and the two develop an unexpected romantic connection.

As Joy navigates the political and cultural differences, she inspires change within the regime and helps Pochenko embrace a more open and compassionate leadership style. The film combines comedy with romance as Joy and Pochenko learn from each other, bridging the gap between their vastly different worlds.