Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle is the action-packed sequel that reunites Natalie Cook (Cameron Diaz), Dylan Sanders (Drew Barrymore), and Alex Munday (Lucy Liu) for another high-stakes adventure. This time, the Angels are tasked with recovering two stolen titanium rings that contain encrypted information revealing the identities of every person in the FBI’s witness protection program.

As the Angels embark on their mission, they face off against a series of dangerous adversaries, including the enigmatic and deadly former Angel Madison Lee (Demi Moore), who has her own plans for the valuable rings. The investigation takes the Angels across the globe and into perilous situations, where they must use their unique skills and teamwork to outsmart their enemies.

With the help of their trusty assistant, Bosley (Bernie Mac), the Angels navigate a world of deception, double-crosses, and high-octane action. As they race against time to secure the rings and protect the innocent, the Angels confront personal challenges and reaffirm their bond as a team. The film delivers thrilling action sequences, comedic moments, and a celebration of the Angels’ fearless spirit and friendship.