Crossroads is a coming-of-age drama that follows three childhood friends, Lucy (Britney Spears), Kit (Zoe Saldana), and Mimi (Taryn Manning), who embark on a road trip across the country to pursue their dreams and reconnect with each other. After graduating from high school, Lucy, an academically focused and sheltered teenager, decides to join her estranged friends on a journey to Los Angeles, where Mimi hopes to audition for a music contract.

As they travel, the trio encounters various challenges and adventures that test their friendship and force them to confront unresolved issues from their past. Along the way, they are joined by Ben (Anson Mount), a mysterious musician with a troubled history, who helps them on their journey.

Through laughter, tears, and self-discovery, Lucy, Kit, and Mimi learn about themselves and each other, ultimately finding the strength to pursue their dreams and embrace the future. The film explores themes of friendship, empowerment, and the transformative power of following one’s heart.