House of Gucci is a biographical crime drama that delves into the turbulent and dramatic history of the Gucci fashion empire. The film follows Patrizia Reggiani (Lady Gaga), a young and ambitious woman who marries Maurizio Gucci (Adam Driver), the heir to the Gucci fortune. As she becomes part of the family, Patrizia’s influence over Maurizio grows, and she becomes increasingly involved in the business’s affairs.
Amidst power struggles and familial discord, Patrizia’s desire for control and recognition leads to tension and betrayal within the Gucci family. The film explores the intricate dynamics of ambition, wealth, and loyalty as Patrizia navigates the world of high fashion and the internal conflicts that threaten to tear the Gucci dynasty apart.
As the stakes rise, Patrizia’s actions culminate in a shocking turn of events that forever alters the course of the Gucci legacy. The film paints a vivid portrait of a family’s rise and fall, highlighting the allure and danger of unchecked ambition and the lengths people will go to in pursuit of power.