Saved! is a satirical teen comedy that follows Mary Cummings (Jena Malone), a devout Christian high school student at American Eagle Christian High School. Mary’s seemingly perfect life takes an unexpected turn when her boyfriend, Dean (Chad Faust), reveals he might be gay. Determined to “save” him, Mary tries to help Dean become straight, only to find herself pregnant.

As she grapples with her faith and the fallout from her situation, Mary finds support from an unlikely group of misfits, including the rebellious Cassandra (Eva Amurri), the only Jewish student at the school, and Roland (Macaulay Culkin), a wheelchair-bound student who is Cassandra’s boyfriend. Meanwhile, Mary’s former best friend, Hilary Faye (Mandy Moore), becomes her adversary as she zealously tries to uphold the school’s moral standards.

The film explores themes of acceptance and the challenges of fitting in, culminating in a climactic showdown at the school’s graduation ceremony, where Mary and her friends confront the hypocrisy and judgment they have faced.