So Undercover is an action-comedy film starring Miley Cyrus as Molly Morris, a street-smart private investigator recruited by the FBI for a special undercover mission. Molly is tasked with infiltrating a college sorority to protect Alex Patrone (Lauren McKnight), the daughter of a former mob accountant who is set to testify in a high-profile case.
To blend in with the college crowd, Molly undergoes a transformation from her tough, no-nonsense persona to a polished and fashionable sorority girl. As she navigates the social dynamics of college life, Molly must maintain her cover while searching for clues about a potential threat to Alex’s safety.
With the help of her new friends and sorority sisters, Molly uncovers a web of secrets and conspiracies that challenge her skills as an investigator. Along the way, she learns the importance of trust and teamwork, all while managing to stay one step ahead of those who wish to sabotage her mission. The film combines humor and action as Molly balances her undercover role with her personal growth and self-discovery.