Spider-Man is a superhero film directed by Sam Raimi, following the story of Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire), an ordinary high school student who gains extraordinary abilities after being bitten by a genetically modified spider. As Peter learns to harness his newfound powers, including super strength, agility, and the ability to cling to walls, he adopts the identity of Spider-Man to protect the citizens of New York City.

Struggling to balance his dual life as a student and a superhero, Peter faces personal challenges, including his unrequited love for his neighbor, Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst), and his friendship with Harry Osborn (James Franco), the son of wealthy industrialist Norman Osborn (Willem Dafoe). When Norman Osborn becomes the villainous Green Goblin after a lab experiment goes awry, Spider-Man must confront him in a battle that tests his strength, resolve, and sense of responsibility.

The film explores Peter’s journey as he embraces his role as a hero, guided by the words of his late Uncle Ben, “With great power comes great responsibility.” As Spider-Man, Peter learns to navigate the challenges of his new life, protecting the city and the people he loves.