Suicide Squad is a superhero film that follows a group of imprisoned supervillains recruited by a secret government agency for a high-stakes mission in exchange for reduced sentences. The team, known as Task Force X, is led by the ruthless intelligence officer Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) and includes notorious criminals such as Deadshot (Will Smith), a skilled marksman; Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), a former psychiatrist turned unpredictable criminal; and Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney), an Australian thief.

The squad is tasked with stopping a powerful supernatural threat in Midway City, unleashed by the rogue Enchantress (Cara Delevingne), an ancient witch possessing the body of archaeologist June Moone. As they confront the Enchantress and her army, the team must navigate internal conflicts and external dangers, testing their loyalty and resolve.

Despite their criminal backgrounds, the members of Task Force X form an uneasy alliance and grapple with their potential for redemption. Through explosive action sequences and dark humor, Suicide Squad explores themes of anti-heroism and the blurred lines between good and evil as the villains fight to save the world they once terrorized.