The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea is an animated sequel to Disney’s classic film, focusing on the next generation of undersea adventures. The story follows Melody, the spirited daughter of Ariel and Prince Eric, who is unaware of her mermaid heritage. Despite her parents’ efforts to keep her safe from the dangers of the sea, Melody is drawn to the ocean and longs to explore its mysteries.

Against her parents’ wishes, Melody ventures into the ocean, where she encounters Morgana, the vengeful sister of Ursula. Morgana tricks Melody into helping her steal a powerful magical trident, promising to turn her into a mermaid in return. As Melody navigates the ocean, Ariel must return to the sea herself to rescue her daughter and stop Morgana’s plans.

Throughout the adventure, Melody learns about her true identity and the importance of family, while Ariel revisits her past to protect her loved ones. Together, they confront Morgana and restore harmony between the human and underwater worlds. The film highlights themes of self-discovery and the enduring bond between mother and daughter.