The Little Mermaid is a fantasy musical film that follows Ariel (Halle Bailey), a curious and adventurous mermaid princess who dreams of exploring the human world. Ariel is fascinated by life above the sea, collecting human artifacts and defying her father, King Triton (Javier Bardem), who forbids contact with humans.
During one of her secret visits to the surface, Ariel saves Prince Eric (Jonah Hauer-King) from a shipwreck and falls in love with him. Desperate to be with Eric, Ariel makes a dangerous deal with the sea witch Ursula (Melissa McCarthy), trading her voice for human legs. Ariel has only three days to earn Eric’s love with a kiss, or she will belong to Ursula forever.
As Ariel navigates the challenges of life on land and forms a bond with Eric, she must also outwit Ursula’s schemes and overcome obstacles to find her place in both worlds. The film features iconic songs and explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the pursuit of dreams.