The Little Mermaid is a classic animated musical film by Disney that follows Ariel, a curious and adventurous young mermaid princess who longs to explore the human world above the ocean. Fascinated by human artifacts and culture, Ariel defies her father, King Triton, who forbids contact with humans, believing them to be dangerous.

One night, Ariel rescues Prince Eric from a shipwreck and falls in love with him. Determined to be part of his world, she makes a risky deal with Ursula, the sea witch, trading her beautiful voice for a pair of human legs. Ariel has only three days to receive a true love’s kiss from Eric, or she will belong to Ursula forever.

As Ariel adapts to life on land and grows closer to Eric, she faces challenges and adventures while discovering the true meaning of love and sacrifice. With the help of her friends, Flounder, Sebastian, and Scuttle, Ariel must outsmart Ursula and find a way to achieve her dreams. The film features memorable songs and enchanting animation, making it a beloved classic.