The Suicide Squad is a standalone sequel that follows a new team of misfit anti-heroes on a dangerous mission. Under the direction of Amanda Waller (Viola Davis), a new Task Force X is assembled, including familiar faces like Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) and Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney), along with newcomers such as Bloodsport (Idris Elba), Peacemaker (John Cena), and Ratcatcher 2 (Daniela Melchior). Their mission is to infiltrate the island nation of Corto Maltese and destroy a secretive laboratory known as Jotunheim, which houses a sinister project called “Project Starfish.”

As the squad embarks on their mission, they face a series of deadly challenges, including hostile military forces and the monstrous Starro the Conqueror, a giant alien starfish with mind-controlling abilities. Along the way, they must navigate internal conflicts and test their loyalty to one another while grappling with their own personal demons.

With explosive action, dark humor, and unexpected twists, The Suicide Squad explores themes of redemption and camaraderie as the misfit team fights against overwhelming odds to complete their mission and save the world from a catastrophic threat.